The First Annual Arkalytics Customer Summit Was a Hit!

by Hannah Barrett, on June 12, 2024

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Credit Unions Are Becoming More Data-Driven

The Arkatechture team was thrilled to host our first annual summit June 5-7, 2024 with Arkalytics customers here in Portland, ME. This event gathered thought leaders and data enthusiasts from credit unions all across the country, fostering collaboration and learning through sessions led by our team and partners, including peer-to-peer networking and roundtable events.
The positive energy and passion within this group were palpable. It was a true pleasure to unite these individuals in one room to share ideas, best practices, and tools, and to explore the future of data technology and generative AI. This event marked a milestone in Arkatechture's ongoing mission to empower credit unions to become data-driven.
Summit review

A great event! I had so much fun meeting and speaking to everyone. It was great to see how others are using the platform. Thanks for putting this together."

Everyone was so genuine and real. The group was perfect!"

You guys seriously have the best company culture I have ever seen."

Cheers and Thank You to All That Attended!

The attendees brought so much value to our event. It was inspiring to see credit unions participating in sessions and sharing ideas with one another. This is exactly the kind of collaboration we love to see within the credit union industry. 

arkalytics summit credit unions

Highlights from Our Sessions:

  • Measuring The ROI of Data-Driven Initiatives 
  • Snowflake Data Management
  • Designing Beautiful Dashboards
  • Building a Cross-Functional Data Team
  • The Evolution of Predictive Analytics 

If these topics are of interest to you, connect with one of our data experts to learn more! 

Connect with a Data Expert

Thank You to Our Keynote Speaker

Melissa Pomeroy

Melissa Pomeroy is a senior strategic leader and dynamic public speaker with over 20 years of professional experience in operational leadership, IT program management and business and data analytics. She now serves as the EVP, Chief Operating Officer at Cooperative Credit Union Association. She was the first credit union customer of Arkalytics and discussed the data journey, how it's changed, and how credit unions can get back to the roots of what is most important.

Shoutout to Our Partners

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Arkalytics Summit 2025

We very much look forward to hosting this event again next year, and continually fostering relationships within the Arkalyics credit union community to move forward together with growth and innovation in order to better serve members and communities.

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